Echoing the perspectives behind knowing our life purpose and how we can live purposely for the better world
Feedback and growth mindset are needed for maximum personal growth. Dance with those things, play with your strength, and navigate your weakness consciously. That will lead you to the greatness of your own self that you can be proud of.
The research found that people leave the organization because of their bad manager. My question is, “Has the relationship been intentionally nurtured when working together?”. I believe that there is no silver bullet in nurturing relationship with people, but we can always find the sweet spot to make that connection happens
A conversation with Teddi Prasetya (Founder Indonesia NLP Society)
Selected as one of the speakers for the conference
Everyone Needs a Coach: Democratize Empowerment through Coaching
Invited by HMPSTK Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung
Vokasi IPB Bogor
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